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How to scan QR code with your mobile

With your smartphone, you can install a QR code reader, which is generic that you can scan and read different format content of the QR code which may contains only website address, email, or even vCard.
photo from Lynksnap
vCard is a phonebook contact for exchange on our computer or mobile. It contains your company name, your name and job title, phone number, email address and web address too.
If you still not understand, go to see the video!

A generic app like QR Droid will provide you more flexibility for the information after QR being scanned.
※Remarks: There are also QR code reader in your social apps such as Whatsapp, Wechat, LINE, QQ...etc., using those to scan will only work for the same type of app, if you do not have or scan the other social app, you will redirect to the web for downloading related app.

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About Tony

This is Tony From Hong Kong, I am a Chinese blogger and good at OpenCart, WordPress and MyBB Forum. Please contact me if you need any Sell To China solutions advice.