OpenCart Online Shop solutions

Why Mobile web is so important?

You know Mobile,you know Share,you Win!

Not only because the mobile online increasing with purchasing air-tickets, shopping...etc., but it has the feature that the desktop computer can not do. It is the SHARE button on your mobile.

What makes it different? We all understand that your closest electronic device for going online is your phone, calling friends and chat with friends all using social app such as whatsapp, Wechat, LINE, QQ...etc. You will hate to reply email with your phone and so do I.

Social apps allow not only short messages, photos sharing, web pages you read for sharing and even voice message when you don't bother to type.

Since all social apps require you to link with your mobile, thus when you found the web page on desktop computer, you can only share the link with email. Of course you may share with facebook, but you will found it not so effective on your mobile. Google+ has better strategies and they come in sharing with the circles you want, and not mix around with your family, collegaues, bosses or lovers...

During 2001, I was the mobility consultant of Hutchison Telecom, dealing with the first 3G launch and Blackberry Knowledge Management within the different departments such as Sales, Marketing, Customer Service.  I found that there is a problem - Time Delate, we may have 3~5 different versions in 1 day, but not every one can access the Internet with the computer at that moment, especially he sales team outside meeting to clients.

Of course, this should not be happened nowaday?! Yes, or No. Only your team members effectively using the mobile Internet, social apps with the desktop computer user in back office.

In a small hotels, this is most critical issue, especially you may have only 3 to 6 team members who working shifts as the hotel still run 7/24. How the morning shift communicate with the night shift effectively? This will be the answer for our hotelier with diamond member.

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About Tony

This is Tony From Hong Kong, I am a Chinese blogger and good at OpenCart, WordPress and MyBB Forum. Please contact me if you need any Sell To China solutions advice.